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Ask how your organization can
perform and feel better.


Triangles at Work founder John Bonosoro has developed a repeatable model for organizational success. Thirty years of leadership experience has led him to conclude that many organizations operate at undesirable extremes, which he has labeled ZERO and 20. In response to this he has worked out a method that not only identifies where an organization operates, but also and more importantly maps out a path for relocation to a much more desirable location, which he identifies as the 10 line.

The locations and the improvement process are explained through the use of a unique pyramid performance indicator. The use of this indicator allows for quick understanding of the method and for good memory recall. Specific tactics used are listed under the Programs Offered tab.

John’s goal is to guide your organization toward higher productivity by enabling you and your workforce to perform better, feel better about what they do, where they work, and who they are.

Call or email for information about how the Triangles at Work process is customized to your environment.